Saturday, March 30, 2013

Sister Clara Grace Vision, Narrated by Terri Copeland Pearsons

NEW! Recently discovered the entire message Sister Clara Grace preached before giving this prophecy:
Full Preached Message

In September 2011, Pastor Terri Copeland Pearsons of Eagle Mountain International Church was speaking at the Toronto Prayer Conference, and relayed a prophecy from Sister Clara Grace, a respected prophetess who was an active member of Reverend Kenneth E. Hagin's ministry. Video of the Toronto Prayer conference is available here. (00:48:55 - 1:06:00)

In this post, I transcribed the prophecy as narrated by Pastor Terri, and offer my interpretations of it (along with links to related chapters of The Bed Keeper) that I believe shine a Scripturally based light on these things. What I believe we will see is that the Church has been receiving prophecies through modern day prophets and prophetesses for the last 50 60 years that speak to the full affirmation of LGBT people in the spiritual life of the Christian Church...but didn't realize it at the time they were uttered.  See what you think!

Sister Clara Grace: Brother Hagin was talking on prayer. I don't remember what Scripture he used. When he was somewhere near the close, he suddenly veered off and began talking about science in relationship to the advance of the Church, and to the fact that God would not allow one phase of His Program to outstrip the other.

Brother Brian Commentary: I find it interesting that both Sister Clara Grace and Brother Justus Du Plessis both begin their prophetic utterances with an emphasis on prayer (and that the centerpiece Scripture of The Bed Keeper is Isaiah 55:11-56:12 where God promises His House will be a House of Prayer for ALL people).  I also find it interesting the prophetic utterance God gave Brother Justus Du Plessis on these things was delivered to Eagle Mountain International Church, and that Terri Copeland Pearsons (who narrates this utterance from Sister Grace) just happens to be one of the pastors of Eagle Mountain International Church. What I find truly remarkable is that just as seamlessly as God helped us connect the dots about eunuchs (LGBT people) throughout the Scriptures, the various modern prophetic utterances speaking of these things likewise connect with each other at a variety of points....and ALL of them have a spiritual connection to Eagle Mountain International Church! 

When considering that these prophecies span a time frame of 50 60 years (and received through at least 5 different modern prophets), I conclude there are simply too many of these connections to chalk them up to mere coincidence.  Considering how many points of these modern day prophecies seamlessly tie back to Scriptures about LGBT people as explored in The Bed Keeper, I am fully persuaded that we have been given an even more sure word of prophecy about these matters...directly from Heaven's Throne Room...long before The Bed Keeper was even written!

Pastor Terri Pearsons Commentary: In other words, he [Brother Hagin] was saying science was moving along. God planned it that way. They [scientists] are not going to get out beyond things He's planned for them to know. You can't. It's in His [God's] heart for us to know it all, but right now you have to be careful who knows it because of what they might do with it. But there's this part of the revealing of God and science but he said, "There is a relationship to this and the advancement of the Church, because no part of God's plan will get out in front of the other."
That's what we were talking about yesterday when the Lord said, "Move things along!" And I saw that cross country skier. Brother Hagin said, "You know science has entered the realm of the Spirit when they discovered the place of timelessness up there." 

Brother Brian Commentary: In my spirit I believe this could be a reference to not revealing to the Church about the role of LGBT people in the Church until such time we had developed a parallel to God and Science that atheist LGBT people could relate to in order to bring them into this new move of God as well.
I believe Chapter 11: Big Bang Theory does this by providing a side-by-side comparison (and timeline) of Science and Creation that would allow any carnally thinking person to see (at least the possibility) that they do not have to be antagonistic, and that perhaps God indeed used evolution to create!  For example; God did not make the vegetation magically appear, but instead says, "Let the earth bring forth vegetation." I believe this would be necessary in order to bring along all LGBT atheist and agnostic people, especially those who have been pushed away from the Church by those who not only did not fully understand the Word concerning same gender expressions, but who often times also do not understand the Creation account in light of scientific discovery. In other words, Brother Hagin could have very well been speaking prophetically and saying (in essence): "The Church cannot advance into the ingathering of LGBT people until there was a connecting point established for atheist LGBT people--(as well as LGBT people from other religions)--to latch on to.  Only then would the complete ingathering of the Gentiles be possible, as the Apostle Paul revealed would be a prophetically necessary step in preparing the Jews to receive the Gospel in order to prepare for the coming Messiah, which would also be manifest in the return of Jesus Christ." (See Romans 11:25 and Isaiah 56:8, as well as  It's Not About The Gay!  It's About The DAY!  and Chapter 22: Jesus, Jews, and Gays

To my mind, it stands to reason the Holy Spirit would know that LGBT atheists and agnostics would need to realize that God and Scriptures are authentic, true, and reliable in a way that they can relate to: through scientific knowledge, and our modern understanding of human sexuality, orientation and identity.

I believe Chapter 11: Big Bang Theory provides such evidence, and opens the door to the Church's advance toward preparing herself for the return of Jesus Christ (and not necessarily for the sole purpose of converting LGBT atheists), although I hope and believe both will happen. While Chapter 11 focuses on taking a spiritual truth and making it naturally relevant, Chapter 12: My Brother's Keeper then takes a natural truth and makes it spiritually relevant. I believe these two chapters will stimulate both the natural and supernatural dimensions of even the most hardened of hearts (whether they admit it right away or not). While these two chapters may indeed provide a door, they do not have the power to actually make a person walk through it. I believe that power is reserved for God alone, working through P
astors who "break down" the information to their congregations, and makes it appilcable to the hearers, gives an invitation to accept Christ, and then opens the door to the hearers receiving Christ, and taking their rightful place as natural born members of His Kingdom's Created Order.

Pastor Terri Pearsons Commentary: She [Sister Clara Grace] goes on to say that her son-in-law was a student studying the law of relativity. So she had read it at his urging and she said,
Sister Clara Grace: I waded through all the math of it. I came to the place where he was talking about this place up there and though he was an unorthodox Jew [Einstein] he said, 'All I know to call it is God.' So I read that a few months before.  And the Holy Spirit usually prepares you for something, you know, and He usually does,' she said.  He's preparing us for something right now! 

Brother Brian Commentary: Is He ever! I believe we all see now that He is preparing the Church for the Second Coming of Christ (just as He has been since the Day of Pentecost), but now with more urgency than ever before. I believe this is evidenced by the revelation contained in Chapter 4: Messengers of The King that demonstrates the prophetic purpose of the inclusion of LGBT people in God's House of Prayer (in order to gather others in with those already gathered), but also to then act as agents of change that help the Church correct course and align herself with Scripture, in order that the Church becomes all adorned for Her Bridegroom. (See Pastor George Pearsons prophetic utterance....(who also just happens to be Pastor of Eagle Mountain International Church, along with his wife, Pastor Terri).
Pastor Terri Pearsons Commentary: Some of you are thinking, 'I'm not sure I understand what she's talking about. That's okay! I'm not always sure I understand it myself! But you know, that's part of a prophet's ministry. The ministry role of a prophet's ministry is to begin to speak out things and to lay out things beyond...before your head can catch up to it. And then by faith, we grab it--the Spirit of it--and Light will come! I do understand what I'm telling you tonight, though. So far.

Brother Brian Commentary: I'm with you on this! I don't mean to "force" an interpretation of Sister Clara Grace's vision, but merely to share with you what parts of it speak to me, and how parts of The Bed Keeper may be a beginning point for "grabbing the Spirit" of what Sister Clara saw, and "bringing some Light!" I believe the power to bring ALL light is again reserved for God working through his Pastors, who (as the messages are prepared, prayed over, and preached) will come to more fully understand the meaning of not only Sister Clara's vision, but also the parts of The Bed Keeper that I believe are applicable (and/or interpretative), and goes on to refine our understanding of these nuggets of coal into shining, crystal clear diamonds that can reflect light and bring the entire Church into a laser-focused understanding of these FAITH!

While The Bed Keeper shares a lot about the mystery BLESSING of the eunuchs in the Bible, I also know that all revelation, understanding, and prophecy is fragmented,
 and imperfect. (See 1 Corinthians 13:9). As I hear parts of the message preached out, I too learn more and more, and I deeply appreciate the Pastor's and Prophet's anointing helping to make sense of these things as we move along. That's one reason why I'm sharing with Pastors in the first place! I don't know it all!  Nobody does! And I am not yet equipped (nor have the desire) to preach.

UPDATE 01.31.23:
As of January 10, 2023, I am now beginning to step into modeling a "pattern" of teaching this message for Pastors  and Prophets, which are now available on my YouTube Channel here. 

While it appears I may indeed enjoy the spiritual grace of God to study these things out and submit them to Church leadership for their consideration and revelation to the Congregation at large, I do not enjoy the anointing necessary to share with a congregation least not yet, although it may come later. My greatest hope in that regard is to share the message from the Word with Pastors, and send it into the pipeline of five-fold ministers to preach it so I can understand it even better for myself! The way I see it, my job is to study the Word regarding eunuchs (LGBT people), pull these things out by the power of the Holy Spirit, and then submit those findings to Pastors for their consideration, evaluation (and hopefully), implementation through their corresponding congregations. After all, that's their job...not mine...and nobody knows a Pastor's flock like they do!

The second main reason I share my interpretations of these prophecies is to help provide a pathway that demonstrates the fulfillment of them. We have quite a few modern prophecies concerning these things that seem to have (thus far) gone nowhere. I believe that being able to point to possible concrete examples of their fulfillment and/or interpretation lends credibility to not only the prophetic words received throughout the decades following Azusa (which spawned the modern Christian Charismatic movement), but onward then to the entire Body of Christ as well! I believe in doing so, it will not only bring more new people into the Word of Faith Community of Believers, but also to bring a multitude of Believers back into the Charismatic movement who had written off our modern prophets as frauds simply because they didn't see the fulfillment of their utterances any sooner.

ADDED 01.31.23:
As one other Prophetess said it, "It's a walk of FAITH. We don't always know what God is doing to do. Sometimes, He draws a curtain on "tomorrow" because He loves us. And when we NEED the understanding, He gives it to us!"

So for anyone asking, "Why didn't we see these things earlier?"
My response is, "Because NOW is when we NEED them!"

(Technical Syntax Corrections added 01.31.23):
While many Christians will find it hard and strange (and even impossible) to believe  LGBT people could have anything to do with the fulfillment of modern (or even the ancient) prophecies explored herein, I believe that being able to systematically demonstrate the culmination and intersection of these modern prophecies will lend credibility to the Charismatic movement itself, which I believe will ultimately lead to not only a fuller understanding of LGBT people's role in the spiritual life of the Church throughout the Body of Christ, but will also reinvigorate the expectation of Christ's return among the faithful, which seems to have greatly diminished and waned over the years. 

Sister Clara Grace: When Brother Hagin said this, all I know to say to you is that I left there. I never knew one thing that was going on around me for I was in the Spirit. I was in the Spirit. I was not conscious of anybody. I have no idea in the world how I might look when those things happened, but I do know this: He opened the heavens to me!  He rolled them back like great curtains; like great scrolls, and there was only a thin veil. There was only a thin veil between me and the Glory. I could see the Glory, but it was behind the veil. Then suddenly, I saw the indentation of many heads.

Pastor Terri Pearsons Commentary: See, on the other side of this, (I read where she told this one other time and there are a few other details, so I'll fill them in for you). But on the right hand, she looked and there were heads pressing on that veil from the other side. You see, heads, faces, pressing against it--this veil.

Sister Clara Grace: And I saw these heads in the upper right hand corner (which she said, "when it's on the right hand, it's heaven"). He [the Holy Spirit] said, "These are the spirits of just men made perfect pressing their way into the Resurrection." There they were! 

Brother Brian Commentary: The only thing in Scripture that I can think of that applies to "spirits of just men made perfect behind the veil pressing to their way to the Resurrection" are the souls God gave a festive robe to and told to remain patient from Revelation 6:

9 When the Lamb broke open the fifth seal, I saw at the foot of the altar the souls of those whose lives had been sacrificed for [adhering to] the Word of God and for the testimony they had borne.

10 They cried in a loud voice, O [Sovereign] Lord, holy and true, how long now before You will sit in judgment and avenge our blood upon those who dwell on the earth?

11 Then they were each given a long and flowing and festive white robe and told to rest and wait patiently a little while longer, until the number should be complete of their fellow servants and their brethren who were to be killed as they themselves had been.  Revelation 6:9-11

Throughout my life, I have interpreted this to mean martyrs of the faith. If (and I realize this entire interpretation is a big "IF"), but if The Bed Keeper proves to be an accurate interpretation of Scripture regarding LGBT people, it could very well be that these souls include those in the LGBT community who have been killed in the name of God in countries such as Iran, Uganda, and other nations whose governments remain hostile to LGBT people. It could also include all the LGBT teens who committed suicide right here in the United States when they were no longer able to endure life separated from God and the Church, because of so many Christians--or paid spokespersons for anti-gay, "so-called" pro-family organizations with a limited understanding of the eunuch Scriptures--who have not recognized that LGBT people ARE part of the family--EVERY family, in fact...including God's!  If so, what this tells me is that these "just men made perfect" could have very well been LGBT people who (upon their death), were indeed "justified" (or in right standing with God), but not yet "perfected." Their perfection seems to have happened on the other side of death, behind the veil to which Sister Clara Grace referred...and whose blood may now be crying down from heaven to earth, just as Abel's blood cried up from earth to heaven in Genesis 4:10.

Further, the phrase "until the number should be complete of their fellow servants and their brethren who were to be killed as they themselves had been" from Revelation 6:11, may indicate that these souls (not to be confused with angels) were all killed for the same reason: for adhering to the Word of God and for the testimony they had borne. While this seems to recall to mind the martyrs who died for preaching the Gospel over the centuries, recognizing Revelation 6:9-11 speaks of what happens after the 5th seal is broken (but prior to the Return of Jesus), it would have to include people in the future who also die for preaching the Gospel.

In Chapter 22: Jesus, Jews and Gays, we see indeed there is a strong possibility that it will be LGBT people who not only prepare the Church for the 2nd Coming of Christ, but simultaneously prepare the Jews for the manifestation of their Messiah, by preaching the Gospel as "deliverers from Zion." It's also very possible that some will be killed for doing so, such as the two witnesses who are killed and then resurrected 3 days later, whom we meet in Revelation 11:3-12. While I know that sounds like I'm just "picking it out of the blue," I believe the remainder of the interpretation of Sister Clara Grace's vision I proffer will continue to point to this same conclusion.

Sister Clara Grace: Then down here on my left side on the earth, (the left side is earthly things), I saw a great group of people. I didn't know any of them. But I knew that they were part of the Church. And I saw them caught away and they were taken behind the veil, and I knew it wasn't the Rapture of the Church. But these were a group of people! They were taken behind the veil and the Spirit said "I'm taking them to the same place I took the Apostle Paul wherein he saw and heard things that he was never allowed to fully express." That's the reason Peter said that he had preached some things that were hard to be understood, because it was hard to find expression for them. Some people misinterpreted those things that he said, and it wrested them to their own destruction. 

Brother Brian Commentary: Regarding the "great group of people caught away and they were taken behind the veil," I think it's very possible this is a metaphoric explanation of LGBT people being taken behind the veil, by finding our true prophetic purpose toward the return of Jesus Christ and the Resurrection of the dead at that time. I believe we are taken behind the veil as we explore our purpose as outlined in God's Word as referred to in Isaiah 55:12. I believe in this case, the veil could be a reference to homophobia, which has not only blinded some Church shepherds (Isaiah 56:10-12), but likewise has prevented the LGBT community from entering into the promises God makes (not only for us), but for all believers, as explored in Chapter 4:  Messengers of The King and Chapter 5:  Covenant Promises.

Regarding those things of which some people "misinterpreted Paul's writings and it wrested them to their own destruction," I believe this is a reference to the traditional understanding of Romans 1, 1 Corinthians 6, and 1 Timothy 1, as well as what Paul based those teachings on from Leviticus 18 and 20. I address these in Chapter 18: Romans, (where married women engaged in adultery to engage in sexual relations with animals--and married men engaged in adultery to engage in sexual relations with each other--as acts of worship to ancient Roman gods), Chapter 16: Leviticus (where God clarifies that men married to women who engage in adultery with other men is just as much adultery as when it's with another woman), and Chapter 17: Forbid to Marry (where men married to women would engage in adultery to hire "gay-for-pay" temple prostitutes with which to worship the goddess Diana), as well as Chapter 2: God Sanctioned Gay Marriage (where the Apostle Paul first rebukes a preacher who was molesting boys in his own congregation in 1 Corinthians 5-6, and then went on to ordain same sex marriage in 1 Corinthians the very same letter), and Chapter 14: Men of Sodom and Chapter 15: Entertaining Angels (where we see the destruction of Sodom was to purge fallen angels who mated with human women). I proffer alternate interpretations that capture the context in which I believe each of these passages are written, (and is most often missed by most Christians). Indeed, I believe Sister Clara was saying that the traditional misapplication of these Scriptures has not only led to the death of many LGBT people in the name of God, but has cost the Church her moral authority in the earth--as well as her slow, agonizing death)--as membership continues to wane throughout the world because of it....that least until now!
Regarding "Apostle Paul wherein he saw and heard things that he was never allowed to fully express." If we further examine the writings of the Apostle Paul that Sister Clara Grace refers to, we see:

1 True, there is nothing to be gained by it, but [as I am obliged] to boast, I will go on to visions and revelations of the Lord.

2 I know a man in Christ who fourteen years ago--whether in the body or out of the body I do not know, God knows--was caught up to the third heaven.

3 And I know that this man--whether in the body or away from the body I do not know, God knows--

4 Was caught up into paradise, and he heard utterances beyond the power of man to put into words, which man is not permitted to utter. 2 Corinthians 12:1-4

It would seem to me that as our modern understanding of human sexuality, orientation and identity has been more fully explored through natural sciences, that perhaps it is now permissible (and practicable) to share with the Christian Church these spiritual things being revealed through God's Word, and explained in The Bed Keeper. I also believe they were spiritually confirmed beforehand by prophetic utterances such as this one through Sister Clara Grace, but also through  Brother Kenneth E. Hagin (from the 2003 Rhema Bible Seminar), Brother Justus Du Plessis (from Eagle Mountain International Church in August 1996), Brother Kenneth Copeland (from the 2011 Washington DC Victory Campaign), Pastor George Pearsons (from Eagle Mountain International Church in February 26, 2012), and Sister Billye Brim (from Prayer Mountain in the Ozarks December 14, 2011 Prayer Meeting). I believe each of these prophecies not only confirm and foreshadowed in spiritual terms what has been revealed in more natural and present day terms throughout The Bed Keeper, but also demonstrates the Holy Spirit confirming each of these modern prophecies with each other!  In doing so, I believe we have the Scriptural process of discerning prophecy as true or false by "letting each word be confirmed by two or three witnesses." (See various Scriptures).

I further believe it is quite possible that until the Holy Spirit chose to reveal these things from Scripture to eunuchs (LGBT people) themselves, God could not fully release this revelation to man. In other words, no matter how many prophets may have previously foretold of these revelations in spiritual terms, until LGBT people themselves began to see it, hear it, believe it, and declare it in the natural realm through faith (such as through The Bed Keeper), God simply could not release the full revelation to the Church in terms that natural man could comprehend with his mind, hence God's reference to "shepherds who cannot understand" in Isaiah 56:10-12.

Though I hesitate to admit it, there is also the possibility that just as God kept secret certain portions of what Paul saw in his vision of heaven, so too He may have kept secret the mystery BLESSING of the eunuchs until such a time as the Church could receive it...and implement it. This would certainly explain (to me) why Sister Clara Grace could see this was a great number of people who were part of the Church, and were a particular, separate group of people sent to minister to the Church, yet Sister Clara "had not the words" to describe us. Perhaps what Sister Clara was saying through that particular phrase was the Holy Spirit constrained her from sharing her revelation of these things in the stark 
details expressed throughout The Bed Keeper. We have to remember, this came through her in the 1960's, long before we had words to describe LGBT people with the words we do in 2013.  Indeed the words we use today were not something Sister Clara (or the Christian hearers in her midst that day) would have had access to or understood, because many of the words had not yet even been developed. 

Sister Clara Grace: Suddenly I saw the group come back from the third heaven. (The ones that had come from earth and gone into the third heaven)--I saw them come back. And I saw those others come into Resurrection and I saw a mystery that I haven't the words. I don't know the words to say. The only way I can put it (and it always takes away from it) but the only way I know to say it is that I saw the unseen realm swallow up the seen. I saw that which is eternal take charge completely of that which is only external and temporary. And I saw these two groups of people; the ones that had been taken beyond the veil and the ones from the  other side that had pressed through the veil to this side. And I saw these two groups of people amalgamate and become one.  And the ones from over there and the ones down here who had been up and gotten the Word; are you listening? It's the Word! And I saw them go and I saw them come back. And He [the Holy Spirit] said to me, "These are my full grown sons! I want you to know that there are women in the bunch too!  These are my full grown sons (and daughters). My  full grown children!"

Brother Brian Commentary: One of the most shocking revelations for me in studying out the eunuch Scriptures was to learn God refers to us as "sons" and "daughters" in Isaiah 56:5. I believe what Sister Grace saw here is basically outlined between Chapter 1: Born This Way and Chapter 3: For the Sake of the Kingdom of Heaven where we see how Scripture leads to the conclusion that born eunuchs is an euphemism for LGBT people, and that Jesus taught we are born so "for the sake of the Kingdom of Heaven" in Matthew 19:11-12. Further, we see the account of the Ethiopian Eunuch being turned away from the Jewish Congregation under Moses' ban on eunuchs in Deuteronomy 23:1 and then baptized under the New Covenant as the beginning fulfillment of Isaiah 55:11-56:12, through that account in Acts 8:25-40 when the Holy Spirit led Philip to read to the eunuch from Isaiah 53-Isaiah 56, which ties the Messianic prophecies about Jesus directly to the eunuch prophecies in Isaiah 56, bringing God's prophecy to female eunuchs along with it through Isaiah 54, and coming right through Isaiah 55 where God describes a series of reversals of fortune, as He affirms that His Word shall go forth and accomplish that for which He pleased and purposed, promising it would prosper in the thing for which He sent it. Talk about your "amalgamations!" 

We see Jesus, female eunuchs, male eunuchs, and the baptism of the Ethiopian eunuch all tied together by Isaiah 53-56, and like a scarlet thread, they then tie into Jesus' proclamation that his House will be a House of Prayer as He quotes from the eunuch prophecy when He cleared the temple in Matthew 21:13, as well as to Paul's inclusion of "unmarried people" (male eunuchs) and "widows" (female eunuchs) in his ordination of Same Sex Marriage in 1 Corinthians 7:8-9 as detailed in Chapter 2: God Sanctioned Gay Marriage, which itself then ties back again to not only Isaiah 54 through 56, but also then back to Jesus' Own teaching on eunuchs in Matthew 19:12, where Jesus not only exempts LGBT people from heterosexual marriage, but confirms that we are BORN so from our mothers' womb....for the sake of the Kingdom of Heaven!  WHEW!

I believe that scarlet thread then indeed leads us to now see the prophetic import and and applicability of all LGBT people being included in the spiritual life of the Christian Church, (as well the Return of Jesus Christ and the Great Resurrection), and that Sister Clara saw us "go behind the veil" of the mystery BLESSING of the eunuchs contained throughout God's Word, as explained (to the best of my ability) throughout The Bed Keeper.

Another point to make about "I want you to know there are women in the bunch too" comes to us from Chapter 2: God Sanctioned Gay Marriage, where the Apostle Paul not only ordained same sex marriage for the male eunuchs Jesus had exempted from heterosexual marriage in Matthew 19:12 (whom Paul referred to as "unmarried people"), but then goes on to include women in his ordination of same sex marriage as well, by referencing "widows" (which we discovered is not a reference to women whose husbands had passed away as we define the term "widows" today, and whom he addressed separately in 1 Corinthians 7:39-40), but is instead an intertextual echo of Isaiah 54:1-4 where God prophesies to single, never married, childless women, and refers to their condition as a "widowhood").  Paul did this when ordaining same sex marriage in order to include women specifically, because Jesus only referred to males in Matthew 19:11-12. 

Sister Clara Grace: I had no consciousness that they saw each other. But I did have this consciousness: That they had come to a place in God, to where they had entrance into either realm; the seen or the unseen. They had access to either realm. 

Brother Brian Commentary: I truly believe ALL believers have this same access through God's Word and prayer, but that what Sister Clara Grace was seeing was a time wherein eunuchs (LGBT people) actually began to access this privilege for ourselves, as shared throughout The Bed Keeper. I believe the Holy Spirit was confirming long before its printing that The Bed Keeper was indeed "on the right track," even as we all recognize that none of us have a corner on all God's truth, except Him. I believe Sister Clara now goes beyond telling us "who" she saw, but now "why" she saw us, revealing the purpose for LGBT people in relation to the spiritual life of the Christian Church.

Sister Clara Grace: And then I saw a great picture. I saw a great, great immeasurable valley; dark and black with only light enough to barely see them. It was reamed about by impassable mountains. And way in the distance, in the East, I saw a great gap suddenly appear in that mountain, and I saw a great light rising and the Holy Spirit (my Interpreter) said to me, "This is the Son of Righteousness rising with healing in His wings." 

Brother Brian Commentary: This seems to me to be the first verse of God's prophecy to eunuchs from Isaiah 56:1 which reads, "Thus says the Lord: Keep justice, do and use righteousness (conformity to the will of God which brings salvation), for My salvation is soon to come and My righteousness (My rightness and justice) to be revealed."

And I believe that as we see the first thing God tells eunuchs is to "Keep Justice" that explains the LGBT community is not out to "gain special rights..." but simply "equal rights" (aka "justice"). The fact God just happened to use a man named "Justus" to deliver yet another related prophecy is just one more of those things that add up to a mountain of "coincidences" that are hard (for me) to ignore.
Sister Clara Grace: And then I saw another mystery. You know the first chapter of Ephesians in the Amplified version where the Apostle Paul prayed for the Church at Ephesus that they might have the Spirit of wisdom and revelation, that they might come to understand the marvelous experience of being the inheritance of God; to understand the mystery that was in them, being Christ Himself. And knowing the fullness of the power which God demonstrated when He raised Christ from the dead and seated Him at His Own Right Hand. 

Brother Brian Commentary: Indeed I believe God has given the Church a spirit of wisdom and revelation, and The Bed Keeper simply puts it in words our natural minds can understand. I believe the mystery BLESSING of the eunuchs is readily available throughout God's Word for anyone willing to go in and draw water from that well. But it's very possible it takes a eunuch's bucket to dip into it and draw it out one bucket (or chapter) at a time, as the Holy Spirit leads us into all truth, just as Jesus said He would. In other words, I think the only difference between what Sister Clara saw and what The Bed Keeper reveals is the modern words being used, and the perspective of a eunuch to draw it out. We see this with the Book of James, who is the one who taught the Church about our words. We see this with the Apostle Paul who taught the Church about the Holy Spirit and His Gifts. We see this when Jesus recognized Himself in the Scriptures as well. While that makes each of them "unique" and "special," I believe it's no different with The Bed Keeper and these modern day prophets like Sister Grace; there is One Holy Spirit that worketh all in all, distributing gifts (not indiscriminately, but individually)...through GRACE...and that God gives to it the body that He plans and sees fit, and to each kind of seed a body of its own(1 Corinthians 15:38). LGBT people just happen to have a born eunuch's body, sired by our fathers' seed, and born so from our mothers' wombs. It really IS a family affair, and we really ARE part of the family, both naturally, and spiritually!

Pastor Terri Pearsons Commentary: A knowing of that power. Romans says "a power that lifts me out from among the dead even while I am yet in the body." Was Jesus resurrected? Did He have a resurrected body when He saw the Disciples after His Ascension? For forty days He walked the earth with a resurrected body back and forth apparently from the seen realm to the unseen. 

Sister Clara Grace: There are going to be people in this life before this thing is  over who shall walk out of time into eternity and never face death. They belong to that group who are going to set up the visible coming of the Lord; the kingdom here that will be visible. 

Brother Brian Commentary: I think this can easily speak of all Christians, but I think if we include what we now know about eunuchs from Scripture, this speaks to a confirmation of LGBT people fulfilling prophecies that must come to pass before Jesus can return. In Luke 24:44 we see Jesus declare, "This is what I told you while I was still with you: everything which is written concerning Me in the Law of Moses and the Prophets and the Psalms must be fulfilled."

In Romans 11:25 Paul declares, "Lest you be self-opinionated (wise in your own conceits), I do not want you to miss this hidden truth and mystery, brethren: a hardening (insensibility) has [temporarily] befallen a part of Israel [to last] until the full number of the ingathering of the Gentiles has come in..."

And in Isaiah 56:4-8 we see God declare the full ingathering of Gentiles must include eunuchs (LGBT people): "For thus says the Lord: To the eunuchs who keep My Sabbaths and choose the things which please Me and hold firmly My covenant—to them I will give in My house and within My walls a memorial and a name better [and more enduring] than sons and daughters; I will give them an everlasting name that will not be cut off.  Also the foreigners who join themselves to the Lord to minister to Him and to love the name of the Lord and to be His servants, everyone who keeps the Sabbath so as not to profane it and who holds fast My covenant [by conscientious obedience]—All these I will bring to My holy mountain and make them joyful in My house of prayer. Their burnt offerings and their sacrifices will be accepted on My altar; for My house will be called a house of prayer for all peoples.  Thus says the Lord God, Who gathers the outcasts of Israel: I will gather yet others to [Israel] besides those already gathered.

As discussed throughout The Bed Keeper, Jesus cannot return until all prophecies are fulfilled, including Isaiah 56:8 (when the full ingathering of Gentiles is complete with the inclusion of LGBT people/eunuchs), and Roman 11:25, which cannot come to pass until Isaiah 56:8 has come to pass. Until both prophecies have come to pass, according to Luke 24:44, Jesus cannot return to the earth. Until Jesus does return, nobody gets resurrected, as we see verified in 1 Thessalonians 4:16-17:

For the Lord Himself will descend from heaven with a loud cry of summons, with the shout of an archangel, and with the blast of the trumpet of God. And those who have departed this life in Christ will rise first. Then we, the living ones who remain [on the earth], shall simultaneously be caught up along with [the resurrected dead] in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air; and so always (through the eternity of the eternities) we shall be with the Lord!

And speaking of this event in Luke 17:34, Jesus says, "I tell you, in that night there will be two men in one bed; one will be taken and the other will be left."

So this explains to me that Sister Grace is indeed speaking of the Resurrection when she says, "There are going to be people in this life before this thing is over who shall walk out of time into eternity and never face death," and that by fulfilling prophecies upon which Jesus' return depends, explains to me that Sister Grace is speaking of LGBT people when she says, "They belong to that group who are going to set up the visible coming of the Lord; the kingdom here that will be visible."   

I believe LGBT people do this by fulfilling prophecy, as discussed in Chapter 1: Born This Way and Chapter 3: For the Kingdom of Heaven, by bringing an end to homophobia and preparing the Bride of Christ for the 2nd Coming of Jesus as discussed in Chapter 4: Messengers of The King, by keeping the Sabbath sacred as discussed in Chapter 6:  Lord of the Sabbath, by receiving the Baptism of the Holy Spirit as discussed in Chapter 7: Baptized by Fire, by bringing our offerings to the Church as discussed in Chapter 20: Fire From Heaven, by building up the ancient ruined cities and/or the Jewish Temple as discussed in Chapter 21: Gaza: Holy Land for Gays, and by preparing Jews for the coming Messiah as discussed in Chapter 22: Jesus, Jews and Gays, and doing it ALL through faith as discussed in Chapter 9: Gotta Have Faith, and by taking firm hold of God's New Covenant as discussed in Chapter 5: Covenant Promises.

I know that was a lengthy response, so let's back up and include that portion of Sister Grace's prophecy again here as we conclude:

Sister Clara Grace: There are going to be people in this life before this thing is over who shall walk out of time into eternity and never face death. They belong to that group who are going to set up the visible coming of the Lord; the kingdom here that will be visible. So then here is the Church. This great multitude, and they're struggling through the darkness. They're struggling in this dark valley, and they're struggling toward the Light. And then that's when the mystery came that I haven't words to explain. I saw these two groups of people.

Pastor Terri Pearsons Commentary: So you have the Church is in the valley struggling through the dark, struggling to make it toward the Light. And this group that had crossed over and gone into the third heaven and the group that had pressed through (the veil to the earth)...they came together and she said they amalgamated, they came into one, whether or not they knew or were aware of each other she wasn't certain, but she saw how they came together. 

Sister Clara Grace: And when they came together, something like a cloud and a mist...they became this cloud. And this cloud then began to move over the Church. They were moving through this great army of people. They surrounded them. They lifted up their hands that were hanging down. They strengthened the feeble knees. They lifted up their heads. They were lifting up their bodies that were too weary to go another step. And again He [the Holy Spirit] said, "These are my full grown sons, who have received a double portion of the Father's inheritance, and it's a part of their duty to supply the needs of the rest of the family of God."

And they were ministering to the Body of Christ. He speaks (she says) of deliverers out of Zion. He speaks of saviors out of Zion. Rescuers. Read your Word. Look into these things. These marvelous things that await us. He [the Holy Spirit] said to me, "They are preparing the rest of the Body for my visible appearance. He's coming again, and we are going to bring Him back!" 

Brother Brian Commentary: I believe Sister Grace's reference to those "who received a double portion of the Father's inheritance" is explained further in Chapter 10: No Dry Trees! 

I believe Chapter 20: Fire From Heaven confirms Sister Grace's phrase, "it's a part of their duty to supply the needs of the rest of the family of God" as it illustrates that part of the eunuch prophecy includes a spiritual mandate to bring our offerings to God's altar. I also believe Chapter 22: Jesus, Jews and Gays is one place to look to for light on God's Word as to the purpose of our offerings, as is Chapter 21: GAZA: Holy Land for Gays. What they demonstrate (to me) is that eunuchs first being excluded from the promises of God under the Old Covenant by Moses in Deuteronomy 23:1, God prophesying of a day eunuchs would be included in His Congregation under the New Covenant in Isaiah 55:11-56:12, Jesus revealing to us in Matthew 19:11-12 that eunuchs include more than just the castrated males Moses speaks of, and includes born eunuchs as well (LGBT people) as discussed in Chapter 1:  Born This Way, that the baptism of the Ethiopian Eunuch in Acts 8:25-40 was a demonstration of a Jewish castrated foreigner being denied entrance into the Jewish congregation under the Old Covenant, but being baptized into the New Covenant in accordance with God's eunuch prophecy in Chapter 3: For the Kingdom of Heaven, and that God's promise to eunuchs in Isaiah 55:11-56:12 would now also include LGBT people (born eunuchs) as well, who would then come back around as 'deliverers out of Zion' to bring Jews into the New Covenant as prophesied by Apostle Paul in Romans 11:25 and as discussed in Chapter 22: Jesus, Jews and Gays, and in the meantime, a "rebuilding" would occur through the efforts of LGBT Christians as a fulfillment of Isaiah 61:4-11, as discussed in Chapter 21: Gaza: Holy Land for Gays

I believe Sister Clara Grace may not have necessarily (or literally) seen LGBT people going into heaven and coming back again, but instead that perhaps it was a metaphor representing the prayers for the Awakening that had made it to the heaven side of the veil where God's glory resides, and that the faces pressing through were the pray-ers here on earth taking on "spiritual flesh" in the spiritual realm (for lack of a better term), and it was perhaps those prayers that were pressing against the veil from the heaven side until God's glory could be released back to the earth, as also explored in Chapter 20: Fire From Heaven. I believe the people on this side of the veil were LGBT people who were/are now being Awakened to our place in God's plan and well as those already in the Church who are likewise being awakened to these revelations from Scripture, and that through our offerings on God's altar in the natural realm, we provide "kindling" that brings the glory of the Lord back to the earth from time to time as He sees fit to send it. 

Another metaphorical way to view it is that it was Jews who have passed on from the living being the faces on the heaven side of the veil, and LGBT people being on this side of the veil, and that it was LGBT people being "caught up to the third heaven" (but only in a spiritual sense) through prayer and revelation about Jews and LGBT people from Scripture. If so, then the "amalgamation" of the two which Sister Grace mentioned could be the bringing of LGBT people into an awareness of our prophetic role not only in the Return of Christ (by fulfilling Isaiah 55:11-56:12), but also our role as "deliverers out of Zion" wherein we bring Jews into the New Covenant to "amalgamate" with Christians into the spiritual life of the Christian Church. 

Finally, I believe the veil could also metaphorically represent the current dividing wall between Gentiles and Jews, but just as easily could represent the current dividing wall between Christians and LGBT people. I believe that whatever the veil represents, the current Awakening now spreading throughout the Christian Church will tear down that dividing wall if we stay at it, and this veil Sister Grace saw will be rent in twain in the heavenly sphere, just as the physical veil dividing off the Holy of Holies in the Temple was rent in twain in the earthly sphere when Jesus died on the Cross...and in doing so, provides us ALL access to BOTH the spiritual and physical realms of God's creation!

And if we are going to REALLY step out of the boat, I would add that I also believe the veil in the heavenly sphere could metaphorically represent the controlling and dividing influence of the Spirit of Jezebel, which I believe Scripture illustrates as being responsible for not only oppressing women in the Church, but is also the root source of homophobia (a type of fear), as discussed in Chapter 4:  Messengers of The King, and anti-Semitism (another type of fear) as discussed in Chapter 22:  Jesus, Jews and Gays.

Sister Clara Grace: You know sometimes I have seen Him like this; standing. Not sitting, but standing. And then looking over the portals of heaven.  We have to have these things; a Mirror.  God's Mirror. While we are looking His Glory is shown in the Mirror, and we are changed from glory to glory. As we walk with a hunger and as we walk with a reached out hand and open hearts. Do you believe that you're hungry tonight? Do you want to receive Him? Do you want Him to come to you in a way that you have NEVER known Him before? 

Brother Brian Commentary: THANK YOU to everyone who took the time to explore this possible interpretation of Sister Clara Grace's remarkable prophetic vision! I hope I have done it justice deemed worthy of Sister Grace's gifting, and that it proves to be a blessing to all who read it! Since there is so much commentary splitting up Sister Grace's prophecy, the following will show it in its entirety, without comments, including this video in her own voice!  ENJOY!

Prophetic Utterance through Sister Clara Grace
(circa 1964)

Brother Hagin was talking on prayer. I don't remember what Scripture he used. When he was somewhere near the close, he suddenly veered off and began talking about science in relationship to the advance of the Church, and to the fact that God would not allow one phase of His Program to outstrip the other.

I waded through all the math of it. I came to the place where he was talking about this place up there and though he was an unorthodox Jew [Einstein] he said, 'All I know to call it is God.' So I read that a few months before. And the Holy Spirit usually prepares you for something, you know, and He usually does,' she said. He's preparing us for something right now!

When Brother Hagin said this, all I know to say to you is that I left there. I never knew one thing that was going on around me for I was in the Spirit. I was in the Spirit. I was not conscious of anybody. I have no idea in the world how I might look when those things happened, but I do know this: He opened the heavens to me! He rolled them back like great curtains; like great scrolls, and there was only a thin veil. There was only a thin veil between me and the Glory. I could see the Glory, but it was behind the veil. Then suddenly, I saw the indentation of many heads.  And I saw these heads in the upper right hand corner (which she said, when it's on the right hand, it's heaven). He [the Holy Spirit] said, "These are the spirits of just men made perfect pressing their way into the Resurrection." There they were!  

Then down here on my left side on the earth, (the left side is earthly things), I saw a great group of people. I didn't know any of them. But I knew that they were part of the Church. And I saw them caught away and they were taken behind the veil, and I knew it wasn't the Rapture of the Church. But these were a group of people! They were taken behind the veil and the Spirit said "I'm taking them to the same place I took the Apostle Paul wherein he saw and heard things that he was never allowed to fully express." That's the reason Peter said that he had preached some things that were hard to be understood, because it was hard to find expression for them. Some people misinterpreted those things that he said, and it wrested them to their own destruction.

Suddenly I saw the group come back from the third heaven. (The ones that had come from earth and gone into the third heaven)--I saw them come back. And I saw those others come into Resurrection and I saw a mystery that I haven't the words. I don't know the words to say. The only way I can put it (and it always takes away from it) but the only way I know to say it is that I saw the unseen realm swallow up the seen. I saw that which is eternal take charge completely of that which is only external and temporary. And I saw these two groups of people; the ones that had been taken beyond the veil and the ones from the other side that had pressed through the veil to this side. And I saw these two groups of people amalgamate and become one. And the ones from over there and the ones down here who had been up and gotten the Word; are you listening? It's the Word! And I saw them go and I saw them come back. and He [the Holy Spirit] said to me, "These are my full grown sons! I want you to know that there are women in the bunch too! These are my full grown sons (and daughters). My full grown children."

I had no consciousness that they saw each other. But I did have this consciousness: That they had come to a place in God, to where they had entrance into either realm; the seen or the unseen. They had access to either realm.  And then I saw a great picture. I saw a great, great immeasurable valley; dark and black with only light enough to barely see them. It was reamed about by impassable mountains. And way in the distance, in the East, I saw a great gap suddenly appear in that mountain, and I saw a great light rising and the Holy Spirit (my Interpreter) said to me, "This is the Son of Righteousness rising with healing in His wings."

And then I saw another mystery. You know the first chapter of Ephesians in the Amplified version where the Apostle Paul prayed for the Church at Ephesus that they might have the Spirit of wisdom and revelation, that they might come to understand the marvelous experience of being the inheritance of God, and to understand the mystery that was in them, being Christ Himself. And knowing the fullness of the power which God demonstrated when He raised Christ from the dead and seated Him at His Own Right Hand.

There are going to be people in this life before this thing is over who shall walk out of time into eternity and never face death. They belong to that group who are going to set up the visible coming of the Lord; the kingdom here that will be visible.

So then here is the Church. This great multitude, and they're struggling through the darkness. They're struggling in this dark valley, and they're struggling toward the Light. And then that's when the mystery came that I haven't words to explain. I saw these two groups of people.

And when they came together, something like a cloud and a mist...they became this cloud. And this cloud then began to move over the Church. They were moving through this great army of people. They surrounded them. They lifted up their hands that were hanging down. They strengthened the feeble knees. They lifted up their heads. They were lifting up their bodies that were too weary to go another step. And again He [the Holy Spirit] said, "These are my full grown sons, who have received a double portion of the Father's inheritance, and it's a part of their duty to supply the needs of the rest of the family of God."

And they were ministering to the Body of Christ. He speaks of deliverers out of Zion. He speaks of saviors out of Zion. Rescuers. Read your Word!  Look into these things!  These marvelous things that await us!  He [the Holy Spirit] said to me, "They are preparing the rest of the Body for my visible appearance. He's coming again, and we are going to bring Him back!" 

You know sometimes I have seen Him like this; standing. Not sitting, but standing. And then looking over the portals of heaven. We have to have these things; a Mirror. God's Mirror. While we are looking His Glory is shown in the Mirror, and we are changed from glory to glory. As we walk with a hunger and as we walk with a reached out hand and open hearts. Do you believe that you're hungry tonight? Do you want to receive Him? Do you want Him to come to you in a way that you have NEVER known Him before?

NEW! Recently discovered the entire message Sister Clara Grace preached before giving this prophecy:
Full Preached Message


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